Mérieux Foundation co-organized event
2nd Advanced course on epidemiology in complex emergencies for effective surveillance and response
July 15-19, 2024 - Les Pensières Center for Global Health, Veyrier-du-Lac (France)

Participants during the 1st Advanced course on epidemiology in 2023 at Les Pensières Center for Global Health
Following the success of the first edition of the Course on Epidemiology in Complex Emergency Situations in March 2023, the Mérieux Foundation and Epiconcept are pleased to announce the second edition of this course to be held at Les Pensières Center for Global Health in Veyrier-du-Lac, France, from March 18 to 22, 2024.
This intensive one-week course is led by Prof. Philippe Vanhems (Mérieux Foundation) and Dr. Sandra Cohuet (Epiconcept). It aims to strengthen the knowledge and skills of French-speaking epidemiologists working in human, animal, and environmental health, so that they can contribute to a multidisciplinary and international response to epidemics linked to communicable diseases or natural disasters, in the context of a complex emergency situation.
One of the main objectives of the course is to establish collaboration between participants from different countries to strengthen surveillance and response to outbreaks according to a “One Health” approach.
The course emphasizes the importance of surveillance and associated alert systems, analysis, and management of an outbreak response in complex emergencies for the control of emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases. The interdisciplinary approach, communication during the crisis and research are key factors in the complex emergency context.
The program is developed with a scientific committee composed of representatives of the following institutions: Epiconcept, Mérieux Foundation, Hospices Civils de Lyon, GAVI, Institut Pasteur, WHO, WAHO, Nazi Boni University.
Course fees
- All participants (includes 3 meals a day for the duration of the course): €1,800*
- Participants from academic, government institutions & NGOs: €2,400*
- SME and sponsors from industry: €3,200*
- Other industry participants: €4,000*
*VAT included. All fees are due in full to confirm participation. Additional accommodation fees will apply for days outside of the course.
Sandra Angèle
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