A foundation with official public interest status, the Mérieux Foundation works for the greater good to improve public health.
The Foundation’s actions are carried out in accordance with a Code of Conduct that all staff and people working with the foundation undertake to respect in order to ensure ethics and integrity.
The Mérieux Foundation also provides its employees with an external reporting platform, Whispli, presented below.
Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct presents the values of ethics and probity that guide the Mérieux Foundation and the rules to be followed by employees in their interactions and daily activities. Therefore, each staff member and person working with the foundation undertakes to comply with the Foundation’s Code of Conduct, whithin the framework of its activities.
The Foundation also expects its partners, beneficiaries and all its interlocutors to comply with the Code of Conduct.
The Code of Conduct is organised in 5 parts:
- The objectives of our Code of Conduct
- Identification of risk situations
- Presentation of the rules and good practices
- Monitoring the application of the rules
- The basic standards
Read the Mérieux Foundation Code of Conduct
This document is an English translation of the original French version. In the event of any discrepancy between the two versions, the French language version shall prevail.
In the context of open and transparent communication, Mérieux Foundation employees, its partners and any other stakeholder can report violations of the above commitments and values.
The Whispli reporting platform is available to allow any suspicions to be reported so that corrective measures can be put in place, if necessary, by the Mérieux Foundation.
This platform is a completely anonymous and secure reporting channel.

Gender equality index
The “Loi Avenir” (Future Law) adopted in France on 5 September 2018 and the decree of 8 January 2019 stipulate that companies with at least 50 and < 250 employees are required to measure and reduce pay gaps between women and men, as well as publish a Gender Equality Index on their websites.
The Index consists of a score out of 100. It is calculated based on the following 4 indicators:
- The pay gap between women and men, calculated from the average of women’s earnings compared to men’s, by age group and by category of equivalent positions (33 points).
- The gap between rates of individual pay rises between women and men (including promotions) (35 points).
- The percentage of female employees who have benefited from a pay rise in the year of their return from maternity leave, if increases had taken place during the period in which the leave had been taken (15 points).
- The number of employees among the top 10 earners whose gender is under-represented in that group (10 points).
The overall score for 2024 is 93/100.