Mérieux Foundation co-organized event

4th Advanced course on diagnostics in French on the African continent (Afro-ACDx)

November 17-22, 2024 - La Somone (Senegal)


Participants at the 3rd d'Afro-ACDx course in 2023

Participants at the 3rd d’Afro-ACDx course in 2023

Since 2021, the Mérieux Fondation and the Institut Pasteur of Dakar organises in Senegal an Advanced Course on Diagnostic in French (Afro-ACDx). This course makes the link between the international ACDx course, held each year in English at Les Pensières Center for Global Health, Veyrier-du-Lac,France, and the GLLP learning programme (Global Laboratory Leadership Programme1) which offers a training module on leadership skills.

This year, the 4th edition is organised from November 17 to November 22 in La Somone (Senegal).

Afro-ACDx is designed for directors or managers of diagnostic laboratories and people in charge of critical decisions in the field of human and animal health diagnostics. The aim is to contribute to strengthening local capacities of diagnostic laboratories in West and Central Africa through training and partnership development.

The course programme and the selection of participants are under the responsibility of a Scientific Committee represented by the most important institutions involved in diagnostics in Africa: World Health Organization (WHO), WHO/AFRO, Africa CDC, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), African Society for Laboratory Medicine (ASLM), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH), Institut National de la Recherche Biomédicale (INRB), Institut Pasteur, West African Health Organization (WAHO), Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics (FIND) and University Félix Houphouet Boigny in Abidjan.

To create an alumni community, a connection is established between the participants from each edition of the course. Participants from previous years are invited to share what they have implemented in terms of organisation in their laboratory or team management following the Afro-ACDx course along with advanced leadership training.

1This programme has been developed by six organizations: APHL : Association of Public Health Laboratories, CDC : Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, ECDC : European Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, FAO : Food and Agriculture Organization, OIE : World Organization for Animal Health, WHO : World Health Organization.

Expected results

At the end of the course, participants will have:

  • Acquired leadership and management skills based on the GLLP programme.
  • Reviewed techniques used in a diagnostic laboratory and discussed. .innovative concepts.
  • Exchanged with peers on laboratory networks in Africa.
  • Reviewed the role and the value of diagnostics to fight AMR and in the outbreak management, taking into account the challenges to give access to quality diagnostics to everyone.

Course fees

Accommodation fees

  • All participants (including three meals a day for the duration of the course): €1,100

Registration fees

  • Participants from public or private laboratories and from government institutions: €1,500
  • Participants from sponsoring industries: €2,500
  • Other industry participants: €4,500

Download the flyer

Download the application form (in French)

Learn more more about the GLLP

Learn more about the 3rd edition of Afro-ACDx


Sandra Angele

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