Strengthening national laboratory systems in Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar to increase their response capacities to epidemic and zoonotic infectious diseases.


Access to diagnostics




Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar




En cours


The impact of capacity building for laboratories, which are the pillars of health systems, could be rapidly limited if the activities implemented only concerned facilities, equipment and training without considering the development of networking, data exchange and the pooling of quality control systems in a “One Health” approach. The SEALAB project was set up in close collaboration with the ministries and institutions designated in each of the countries in order to support the national policy of public health laboratory systems in Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar.


The SEALAB project is a regional global health project that aims to strengthen laboratory systems in Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar to better detect, diagnose and respond to emerging infectious diseases with pandemic or zoonotic potential.

More specifically, the SEALAB project focuses on strengthening the capacity of laboratory staff, the quality management system, data processing and the supervision of laboratories by the authorities.


After an assessment of the laboratory systems, an action plan, taking into account the national priorities of each partner country, is validated by the authorities of the human health and animal health sectors.

Each partner of the SEALAB Consortium is responsible for the implementation of specific activities aimed at strengthening skills in the areas defined as specific objectives, namely capacity building for laboratory diagnosis, quality system management, data management and laboratory system supervision.

These activities, aligned with national strategies and policies, are conducted by the partners in close collaboration with national health authorities to ensure the sustainability of the SEALAB project.

Exchange at the national and regional levels is enhanced through a dedicated SEALAB website that keeps all stakeholders informed of the project’s progress.

Expected results

  • The staff of the laboratories involved in the project are better trained to use specific techniques for the identification of emerging/zoonotic pathogens
  • The quality management system is improved for the partner laboratories with a view to accreditation
  • The exploitation of data produced by the selected laboratories allows for better surveillance of emerging diseases and the exchange of data between the human and animal health sectors is initiated.
  • Health authorities are trained in the evaluation and supervision of laboratory systems



  • Australian Government, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) 


  • Integrated Quality Laboratory Services (IQLS)
  • NRL Science of Quality, Australia
  • Ministries of Health & Agriculture



