Mérieux Foundation co-organized event

3rd WASH working group / Global Task Force on Cholera Control (GTFCC)

February 27-28, 2018 - Les Pensières Center for Global Health, Veyrier-du-Lac (France)


3rd WASH working group / Global Task Force on Cholera Control (GTFCC)

The meeting will be an opportunity to present an update on the GTFCC and the Ending Cholera Roadmap and in this context to discuss the engagement of the WASH WG in the implementation of the roadmap.

Specifically, the proposed objectives of the meeting are to:

  • Provide an update on the GTFCC and the recently launched Ending Cholera Roadmap
  • For partners and countries to provide an update on activities
  • Update and review progress on cholera hotspots mapping in countries
  • Mapping of opportunities for engagement for the WASH WG in the implementation of the Ending Cholera Roadmap including at the global level (investment case) and country level support i.e. monitoring and evaluation
  • Discuss and agree on recommendations on WASH in Infection Prevention and Control for cholera in health care
  • Discuss priority areas requiring the development of technical guidance, including cross cutting issues
  • Identify opportunities for coordination with other GTFCC Working Groups
Download the program


Day 1 Tuesday, February 27

Day 2 Wednesday, February 28

Ending cholera: a gobal roadmap to 2030

Implementing the roadmap: defining control strategies

Implementing the roadmap at the country level: role of the WASH WG and partner engagement

Implementing the roadmap at the country level: development of cholera control plans

Guidance tool to support the development of cholera control plans

Resource mobilization and strategic priorities

Cholera investment case

Support to outbreak response

Linking response to longer-term efforts

Research agenda: priorities & emerging issues



